TrekRanks Episode 12 : Top 5 Premiere Episodes

Originally released on October 06, 2017

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Red Alert! Star Trek: Discovery is now eligible for selection from this point forward on every episode of TrekRanks! To mark the occasion, we get Trek's new series involved right off the bat by ranking our Top Five Premiere Episodes. It's our third straight episode celebrating the launch of Star Trek: Discovery (following our Top Five Klingon Episodes and Top Five Epic Arcs).

Host Jim Moorhouse is joined by Alex Perry (novel reviewer for TrekCore) and Claire Little (the first two-time guest on TrekRanks and a frequent contributor to the Tricorder Transmissions Podcast Network).

Because of the finite list of possible choices in ranking Trek's Top 5 Premiere Episodes, the show features a slightly tweaked format. In the opening Diagnostic Cycle, Moorhouse runs though the show's new format and each guest contrasts their memories of past series anticipation against that of Discovery.

Then in the expanded Prime Directive section of the show, the panelists go through each premiere episode and highlight one of their favorite things about each series debut. At the conclusion of that discussion, we jump into The Order of Things where each guest quickly runs through their Top Five choices.

The episode concludes with a visit into a Temporal Causality Loop as we flashback to Episode 11 for listener feedback regarding our Top Five Epic Arcs.

As always, make sure to hail us here on our website by leaving a voicemail and record your own personal TrekRanks log to let us know your Top 5 Epic Arcs in Star Trek history. Your comments might be used via a Temporal Causality Loop in an upcoming episode.


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The Tricorder Transmissions

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Jim Moorhouse
Sat on the bridge of the NX-01, Star Trek trivia master and host of the TrekRanks podcast.
guest image

Claire Little
Trekkie, gamer, bibliophile. Vulcan with a sense of humor.
guest image

Alex Perry
TrekRanks guest and friend of the show!